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Applications and Cautions of Sulphuric Acid at HOME

Oct. 22, 2021

More sulphuric acid (sometimes spelt H2SO4) is produced each year than any other chemical. There are countless uses for sulphuric acid, including many of the products you use in your home. You may already have sulphuric acid household products on hand, but it is important to understand this chemical and how to use it safely. Don't hurt yourself. Sulphuric acid manufacturers share with you some of the places where it is used in the home and around the house.

Application at home

Here are some household items that contain sulphuric acid. You can follow XINLONGWEI to find more.


Sulphuric acid is easily diluted and can be used when it is needed to cause a specific chemical reaction. Sulphuric acid is therefore a major component of batteries. Powerful batteries such as hospital imaging equipment, car batteries and agricultural equipment batteries all contain sulphuric acid. Batteries such as these rely on the chemical reaction that occurs when sulphuric acid meets lead. The electrons produced from this combination are required for the battery to generate voltage.

Drain cleaner

Another common use for sulphuric acid is in drain cleaning products. Many industrial strength drain cleaners or drain opening appliances are extremely corrosive.

To use them you must first pour a quantity of water down the drain without getting it on your skin and then rinse with cold water to activate the chemicals. If you accidentally get this product on your hands, do not immediately put your hands into cold water.

Household products

Sulphuric acid is commonly found in household cleaning products, such as those used to clean aluminium, but is not limited to this use. The reason sulphuric acid household products are so common is related to their corrosiveness. This makes it an excellent choice for products such as toilet bowl cleaners and drain cleaners/openers.

Other uses for sulphuric acid include powdered laundry detergents, hand soaps, dishwashing liquids and additives in pet products. If you are curious, please check the product label.

Sulphuric acid in cages

Using sulphuric acid safely

Always follow all instructions given during use. It is usually recommended to wear gloves, a breathing mask and goggles. 

When storing any items with sulphuric acid, store them on the floor or in a lower cupboard. This reduces the risk of people pulling the product off and spilling it on themselves. Products containing this acid can also produce sulphuric acid stains on various surfaces if stored or used incorrectly.

If you ingest sulphuric acid, do not attempt to vomit. Sulphuric acid can burn soft tissues such as the eyes or throat, so it is important not to rinse your mouth with cold water. Contact emergency services immediately.

Sulphuric acid household products are common and life without it would be markedly different. Even cosmetic chemical peels and scrubs use very dilute amounts of sulphuric acid. To ensure that you make the most of your skin care products, please follow all instructions to the letter. Contact our experts to get more information.